
Does your car need a new paint job, but you can't afford to pay the professionals? Don't feel alone many people face the exact same problem. However, there are steps you can take to paint your own vehicle and save some cash Autel MK808. Consider the following steps if you are considering taking this task on as a do-it-yourself project.

First of all make sure you have a space available to paint your car. Using your home garage may not be the best option when it comes to space, ventilation, and costly repairs if you mess up. When painting your car you need to be free to move in an area that is well ventilated. You also need to make sure any residual paint is not a problem if it gets so walls or floors.

Second, make sure you have the proper tools. Many manufacturers today offer special spray can tips or guns you can use to paint your car like the professionals. You will also need lots of tape, plastic, and rags for clean up. In most cases you will want to paint each area of your car individually. This means you will want to cover and tape off the areas not being painted.

The third thing to consider is time. Even the professionals can't paint a whole car with spray paint in a day. It will likely take days if not a week to paint your car. Make sure you can do without your car for this amount of time. You won't want to drive around with only a few panel painted. You could actually damage the finish if you drive the car before applying the final lacquer coat.

The final step is painting the car. You need to decide the exact steps you will take when completing the job. If you have no prior experience painting vehicles it might be best to purchases a step by step system. Make sure you fix any problem spots such as rust or dents before you begin painting and you may want to use a primer to insure the best results.

You can go for one or multiple coats, though thick single coat is not advisable. If you are thinking of having a second coat it should be allowed to dry overnight also be sure to thoroughly cover thing's you don't want the texture on or in MaxiPRO MP808TS.

If your surface has a lot of scratches and dents a less than perfectly smooth paint texture is actually desired otherwise if the paint is smooth and shiny- you'll see every scratch and dent in the surface, so in the cases of cars with lots of scratches, it is best to mist the paint slightly by putting on lighter coats that don't self-level so much. Don't spray the paint on too heavy, it will be smooth & runny which means you'll have drips on vertical surfaces.

If you done it correctly, the paint will "SELF-LEVEL"-- the surface will "run together" and will look wet and create a smooth surface, which will require no or little sanding if you are going for a glassy smooth surface look.

Once you have a plan in mind to paint the car and it is prepped for painting, you need to practice your technique. Practice on a piece of cardboard or metal until you have the proper movements down. Finally, you get to enjoy the fun of painting your car like the professionals. With a little forethought and preparation, you are sure to do just fine.

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